1. The Midwifery training and practice in its first phase in Africa will be in Ghana.


2.The Training/course will be in the 10  all regional capitals of Ghana  with online computer centers with major technical and national management based in Accra managing  trainees drawn from all regions and districts of Ghana.


3. Training will be free.


4. There are 10 regions accumulating to 230/240 districts


5. Each district will have 50-100 trainees who will be required to serve their own districts after training.

This is necessary because of the diverse language and cultural understanding and ethnic differences among the regions and districts. At practice however a major support team will be from all ten regions and districts to form a unified social and technical force.

This team will be managed  and led by a qualified doctors and obstetric nurses.


































Position of Ghana in Africa ( above)



Regional demarcation and capitals of Ghana (below)



Districts demarcation of Ghana -below (+-240 districts)



Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE SYLLABUS- GO UNIVERSITY

Syllabus and practical assessment of Midwifery BSc course- GO UNIVERSITY Syllabus MIDWIFERY AND OBSTETRIC NURSING SYLLABUS Course Description- This course is designed for students to appreciate the concept and principles of midwifery...


MIDWIFERY -Introduction to Medical Technology/First Aid/paramedics/Midwifery MODULE 1 This module is a general MODULE for all medical Technology students. -BSc MIDWIFERY & Obstetric nursing ( 15 modules total) 3/4 years...



This BSc degree course in midwifery is in 15 MODULES including provision of reference notes and practical overviews. This is the MODULE 2 of the BSc midwifery course. Before starting this module 2 you should have finished the GENERAL INTRODUCTION...



This BSc degree course in midwifery is in 15 MODULES including provision of reference notes and practical overviews. This is the MODULE 3 of the BSc midwifery course. Before starting this module 3 you should have finished the GENERAL INTRODUCTION...


This module 4 of the Midwifery & Obstetric degree course covers the ASSESSMENT & MANAGEMENT of PREGNANCY ( ante-natal) before you start this Module 4 you should have already fully gone through Modules 1,2, & 3 including all assignments,...

MODULE 5 MIDWIFERY OBSTETRICAL NURSING Content: Assessment and management of intra-natal period. • Physiology of labour , • Management of labour. • First stage • Signs and symptoms of onset of labour, normal and...

Midwifery^& Obstetrics MODULE 6

Fetal Development LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Differentiate between the embryonic period and the fetal period Briefly describe the process of sexual differentiation Describe the fetal circulatory..


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 7

Pregnancy determination may be made within 3 to 4 weeks' gestational age using radioimmunoassay or two-site ELISA assay. Using serum progesterone concentrations, serial quantitative beta-hCG levels, culdocentesis, sonography, laparoscopy, and...

Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 8

-ANTENATAL PREPARATION -ANTENATAL COUNSELING -ANTENATAL EXERCISES -DIET -SUBSTANCE USE -EDUCATION FOR CHILD- BIRTH Husband and families • Preparation for safe-confinement • Prevention from radiation · ...


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 9

Assessment and management of intra-natal period. · Physiology of labour , · Management of labour. • First stage • Signs and symptoms of onset of labour, normal and abnormal – • ...


Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 10 GO UNIVERSITY
Assessment and management of women during postnatal period... The puerperium covers the six-week period following birth, during which time the various changes that occurred during pregnancy revert to the non-pregnant state. Physiological...
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 11 GO UNIVERSITY
Assessment of normal neonates Normal Neonate; · Physiological adaptation, • Initial & Daily assessment • Essential newborn care; Thermal control, • Breast feeding , prevention of infections · ...
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 12 GO UNIVERSITY
High-risk pregnancy –assessment & management. Screening and assessment • Ultrasonics, cardio tomography, NST, CST, non-invasive • Newer modalities of diagnosis · High-risk approach · Levels of...
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 13 GO UNIVERSITY
Abnormal Labour –assessment and management · Disorders in labour • CPD and contracted pelvis • Malposititions and malpresentations • Premature labour, disorders of uterine actions – precipitate...
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 14 GO UNIVERSITY
Abnormalities during Postnatal periods · Assessment and management of woman of with postnatal complications • Puerperal infections, breast engorgement & infections, UTI, thrombo-Embolic disorders, · Postpartum...
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 15 GO UNIVERSITY
Assessment and management of High risk new born · Admission of neonates in the neonatal intensive care Units-protocols · Nursing management of • Low birth weight babies • Infections • ...
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 16 GO UNIVERSITY
INTERNSHIP/ PRACTICALS Whole 4th year is module 16 internship Modules 1-15 must be completed in 3 years.
Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 17 GO UNIVERSITY
Ghana midwifery council information












1. Old style campus lecture hall lessons with  lecturers and setting up study centers in as many regions and districts.


2. Online students personal distance full syllabus integrated self study systems.


3. Virtual distance classroom (timetabled)  with live lecturers globally ( The Netherlands, Europe, US) where students see & interact, to give international standard. Lecturers ans experts in Netherlands teach direct on our virtual class to Africa live to hundreds of students at same time.


4. Group distance course forum discussions.


5. Practicals and internships & projects.


These give the flexibility for workers and all students to follow our courses easily with same speed as full-time. They can utilize the online self study and  the virtual classroom lectures and get same lesson effect, when they don't  have time to be at campus lectures. Meaning they can combine campus lectures and online studies as they wish.


Students who are far away from campus can also use the online systems to follow our courses. Meaning every  one can follow our courses from any where in Ghana/Africa/Globally. Read below for full details.





1.By direct lecture hall lectures on campus with our top Ghana local lecturers.

2.Online- using very modern self study configured teaching methods.


3.Online virtual lecture hall systems with live lecturers - tutors from Ghana and abroad.

4.You will be taught by top lecturers worldwide.

5.Practical training on campus & internship.

6.Online students  group study forums

7.Every enrolled student gets access to free internet center with  years unlimited internet access wherever you are in Ghana to effect our online  selfstudy programs & virtual lecture halls  instructions together with campus lectures.


8. Also unlimited internet access on campus.

9. In order to give maximum opportunity for all, students far away from Accra can choose to stay wherever they are and follow lectures through our -online configured effective self studies  -And also contact  lectures on our virtual online live lectures..

? This is in case we get only a campus in Accra. Our prime aim however is to be in all regions.


There are further studies information also on this site including our courses' catalogue.

Go to menu above and click  ( Visitors view   our courses' catalog) and self study configurations. (In all there are about 80 University courses and about 800  modules on our courses' catalog accumulating to about 100,000 study lecture/assignment/project units-- high in world standard and very comprehensive. Also SHS subjects, modules & notes.




When you enroll we will send you your personal logins to your study page and your course  modules will be there, the course modules are comprehensively configured to follow real syllabus content lectures and notes, instructions, presentations, assignments, tests and assessments. The lectures are delivered by top professors and researchers worldwide.

Your lessons timetable, assignments and projects may also be given via tutor or your personal study page.

 Each course module comprises -+ 150 lecture units. 


Our courses are tailored design for Africa & developing countries to enhance human and social development.


We use a very simple to follow technique to deliver our courses' content with  full comprehensive configured lecture videos, notes, presentations and documents. Including practical tips, assessments, projects and observational writings.


You also get a virtual contact classroom lectures, forums and discussions with  experienced professors/tutors.

Go University’s unique style of delivering its  courses is called 'supported open learning'.


This means that you study on- your own, virtual classes-either at home or wherever suits you – reading, watching or listening to material supplied, doing activities and assignments with regular support from your tutor.



  • Open learning means that you will be learning in your own time by reading study material, working on activities and writing assignments

  • Supported means support from a tutor, campus lectures.

You’ll also get the opportunity to interact with other students whilst undertaking our distance learning courses through the  online conferencing system, tutorials and informal study groups.

The study experience


What are the study materials like?

You will be taught through a range of materials and online resources that may include lecture videos, audios, presentations, documents, assignments  which you will work through on a week-by-week basis.

The study materials we provide are of the highest quality, and they may include:

  • specially textbooks references or workbooks online.

  • online lectures

  • audio, video, presentations.


You will get the most benefit if you study actively, so it is good practice to treat the online study materials as workbooks: write notes on them, note highlighted points in the lectures and notes, underline key points, make notes on the lectures, add comments.


The online study materials are same as the one you will meet at campus lectures.

You get 3 parallel study methods from different angles of same syllabus to give you  deep insight of the course.

Assessment and exams

You'll be asked to complete pieces of work in the modules that will contribute towards the completion of your module.



An assignment is a piece of written work, covering material from your module. Completing assignments helps you to consolidate and use what you have learned.


Most assignments go to your tutor for comments ('tutor-marked assignments' or TMAs).


Some may be marked by computer ('computer-marked assignments' or CMAs).


Some modules include other types of written assessments, such as project work or dissertations.


These courses will last  1 to 3 years depending on the time you put in. It could also be longer. A degree course contain between 12 and 15 modules.


You may take between 6 weeks to 12 weeks to complete a module. after completing a module including assignments, presentations, projects and writings, a certificate covering the Module can be printed on the learning site with an automatic inscription of your personal particulars and course.


After completing all the modules contained in a degree course and after satisfying all the eventual examinations and assessment and desertations a degree will be due to you.



Many courses end with an examination. Examination periods are published up to a year in advance.

Your learning tools

We will also tell you about your tutorials and the date of any exams via your online portal, Student page.

FOR ALL LEARNING MODES- Campus, online etc.

The Effective Blended Learning Strategy

Our Blended learning is often mixed with Instructor Led learning programs. Let’s roll our sleeves and scrutinize this phenomenon. What is the difference? Are there any similarities with traditional methods? What’s the perfect blend? What do you blend anyway?

Blended learning offers the best of both worlds. Not only do you benefit from the implementation of a synchronous learning strategy, but also you have the chance to benefit from “go at your own pace” techniques that are part of an asynchronous learning strategy.


Defining Blended Learning Course Objectives 

Our Blended learning strategy begins like any other learning program design:

The blended learning course objectives will cover both the online and the live aspects of the course. They will help keep the content within its scope and design the right activities for their appropriate environment. The learning objectives are similar to a roadmap that show direction and the end line.

Creating A Course Outline to Guide Learners 

There are a number advantages of defining the course outline in the syllabus. The learner can utilize the syllabus to stay on track during the blended learning course. This type of course demands a certain degree of autonomy and independent learning. A course outline will be appreciated by both the learner and the facilitator.

The facilitator or the instructor can use the outline as the compass as well as ensure that the course progresses at the right pace. The blended learning course outline  includes the instructor’s contact details, the course’s resources, the course’s objectives, the assignments and project details, their deadlines, the assessments and their grading weight.


Determining the Interactivity Level

One of the best things about the blended learning strategy is the degree of control we have over deciding the level of interactivity in your course. What parts of the content will be covered in the virtual, eLearning environment and what parts will be covered in classroom meetings. Which areas will be self-paced and what aspects need to be covered as a group through collaborative projects.

Our selected  blended learning strategy enables us to select from a plethora of educational technology tools. These include social collaboration tools, gaming applications and multiple-format information for sharing and creation.

Planning Group Activities

Group collaboration is the main focus of the blended learning strategy. We Use the JIGSAW model of creating a productive study and project groups. Also assess strengths and weaknesses of learners. Determine how we can form groups of an heterogeneous mix of talents so that they can learn from each other.

The exchange of unique ideas, skills, experiences and perspectives creates a powerful knowledge sharing environment when learning in groups.

Establishing Communication Guidelines 

We provide contact information for all mentors and facilitators involved in the course. This includes email addresses and mobile numbers. We advice instructors and facilitators to respond within 24 – 48 hours to maintain the learners’ trust. 


Providing Resources and References

One of the wonderful things about our blended learning is the use of online resources and tools available to supplement course materials. There are a multitude of learning materials and a wealth of learning objects available as free links to encourage learners to develop deeper into the course’s content. In short, we provide every opportunity possible for success in the course.


Planned Assessment Strategy

Our blended learning strategy gives a different approach to assessment planning. We have the opportunity to conduct an online quiz, in class subjective tests or oral presentations to determine which strategy will help us track the learning progress.

In any assessment scenario, we provide a rubric for performance. Rubrics guide learners towards mastery and pave the way to improvement. We think about the end of the course (summative) and the end of the module (formative) assessments. Towards the end of each module, we advise revision of the main points so that they linger in the learners’ mind and help grasp new concepts easily.

Blended learning is truly a complex  an most efficient learning strategy. 

With the aid of our advanced plan and passion we, Go University and you will pull it off with success


Stichting Mosoka, gevestigd in Amsterdam en geregistreerd bij de KvK onder nummer 41214629.

Email: info@stgmosoka-verloskundeprojectafrika.nl

Tel:+31 686358781